On Thursday, May 4, Green Leadership Trust hosted a virtual discussion to tell our networks about the < strong>outcomes and achievements from our 2017 Environmental Leadership Convening< /strong>. This year Green Leadership Trust completed a new strategic plan, and we used the discussion as an opportunity to < strong>share our vision for the future and introduce our new steering committee. < /strong>You can listen to the webinar below.< div class="wp-video">< span class="mejs-offscreen">Video Player< /span>< div id="mep_0" class="mejs-container mejs-container-keyboard-inactive wp-video-shortcode mejs-video" role="application" aria-label="Video Player">< div class="mejs-inner">< div class="mejs-mediaelement">< video id="video-1453-1_html5" class="wp-video-shortcode" src="https://greenleadershiptrust.org/wp-content/uploads/2017/05/Retreat-Outcomes-Achievements-Webinar.mp4?_=1" preload="metadata" width="1920" height="1080" data-mce-fragment="1">< /video>< /div>< div class="mejs-layers">< div class="mejs-overlay mejs-layer mejs-overlay-play">< div class="mejs-overlay-button" role="button" aria-label="Play">< /div>< /div>< /div>< div class="mejs-controls">< div class="mejs-button mejs-playpause-button mejs-play">< /div>< /div>< /div>< /div>< /div>< div class="mejs-time mejs-currenttime-container" role="timer" aria-live="off">< span class="mejs-currenttime">00:00< /span>< /div>< div class="mejs-time-rail">< /div>< div class="mejs-time mejs-duration-container">< span class="mejs-duration">51:13< /span>< /div>< div class="mejs-button mejs-fullscreen-button">< /div>