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The Wege Foundation (the Foundation), a leading civic institution in Grand Rapids, Michigan, seeks anorganizationally savvy, community-oriented, and strategic-minded individual as its next President andChief Executive Officer (CEO). The Foundation was established in 1967 by Peter Melvin Wege, heir of thefurniture manufacturer Steelcase and a longtime, dedicated civic leader in Grand Rapids who passed awayin 2014. The Foundation’s mission is to plant seeds that develop leaders in economicology, health,education, and arts, and enhance the lives of people in West Michigan and around the world.Economicology, a term coined by the founder, defines the balance needed between the economy andecology. The word summarizes Mr. Wege’s advocacy for educating the public on the reality that aprosperous economy depends on maintaining a healthy environment.< a href="">Wege Foundation CEO Job Description< /a>